Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patty Day Dash

Woohoo!! Greg and I just finished running the dash and it was great! We stayed pretty dry and the snow waited until we finished! They advertise it as a 5k, but my GPS clocked it as 3.7m!! Liars!! Anyhow! We all did great! Greg clocked in at 31:50 (8:36 miles) and I did 41:15 (11:08 miles). We went with the Underwoods and Neha! Great company and great memories! Excited for the next race!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Mobile Little Man

Cohen started crawling!! He has been trying for a few weeks now, but today was a success!! I did have to prompt him with remote controls and cell phones... typical male!! But it's official!! He is on the move!! Check out the RAW footage!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sisterly Love

Alyssa's new thing is to run into Cohen's room as soon as he wakes up, jump in his crib, and shower him with good morning hugs and kisses! It's so sweet and I can hear him squeal from the living room. She loves her baby brother :-)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Binkie Fairy

Ahhh!!! The Binkie Fairy is coming, the Binkie Fairy is coming!! 

A few nights ago, Alyssa was in bed with about 8 binkies. She started bawling because she couldn't find her "blue" binkie. I knew it was time.

This morning before we left we got all of the binkies in the house put in the below fancy bowl. She was really excited about the prospects of what the Binkie Fairy may bring... one of her hopes was a Mickey Mouse binkie...Hmmm we may need to explain this whole Binkie Fairy thing a little better. But she would set the bowl on the table and then grab a binkie and put it in her mouth. So then I would tell her to leave all the binkies to ensure an even bigger present!!  She was a little annoyed I wouldn't let her take a  binkie with us, but got over it very quickly.

 After I loaded her up in the car, I raced back upstairs and threw all the binkies in the trash. Then I put out all her new cool presents. A pet shop toy, Mickey Mouse book, and some candy. Let's cross our fingers that she is excited for her new stuff and not too upset about losing her best friends!!