We had such a fun Easter! We went to the beach and played in the sand! Unfortunately, Cohen's new sunglasses were left behind. Sad! He was a beast though, tried running into the water every other second! All hands on deck for the Voter's! Happy times, happy family :-) the day ended playing in the yard...Lys loved stumbling upon Daddy's work glasses! Hilarious faces were made! Her favorite thing is to pick dandelions! She loves picking flowers and picked boatloads from all of our neighbors lawns, daddy' takes great care of our lawn so we rarely have any. And lastly, to sum up our fabulous Easter weekend, we showcase Alyssa's new bike! Santa was supposed to bring the bike, but instead he brought a bounce-house, so the bike was really Christmas' sloppy seconds...hopefully we didn't set the bar too high for Easter next year! Glowing in fab fluorescents is Miss Lys!! Because everyone rides bikes in flip flops and a Maxi dress!
Fun! I love her neon maxi dress. Haha funny how Cohen kept running towards the water, I like the pic of Greg trying to catch him before he takes the plunge.