Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chronic Offender of Serial Dieting

So for most of you that know me, you know I have been a serial dieter since I was about 23/24ish. When Greg proposed to me I was basically at an all-time high on the poundage scale. I wanted to be a thin and fit bride, so I started on my first official weight loss journey. 

#1 - Weight Watchers - 2006 - Total Loss: 31lbs Website: www.weightwatchers.com
        I really enjoyed Weight Watchers. My supportive Mom went with me to my first meeting. It was fun, there was a bunch of older people... as in I was the youngest after my mom... and then most were in their late 50s+. They told lots of fun stories and I got to know a few of them as I became a regular. For those of you who haven't ever done WW before, you are given a certain amount of points based on a small questionnaire you fill out. I was successful at it, I followed the program, and got back in shape. The only problem I really had is that I still wasn't eating healthy... I would weigh-in on Wednesdays at noon. I wouldn't eat before weigh-in, and then I would go to McDonalds and have a Happy Meal, 13 points. I drank Diet Coke and all other artificial nasties. My point allowance for the day was 20, so as long as I stayed under there I was golden. You also get weekly allowance points, and more for exercising, etc. So I would often skip meals if I knew I was going out for dinner etc. But I was disciplined and saw results.

Then, we begin the next chapter of my life... I managed to keep most of that weight off or fluctuate between 5-10 pounds. And then gained 5-10 pounds after that... SO by the time I became preg with Lys, I was about 20 pounds up from wedding weight! OOPS! So then I had Lys.

#2 - Stroller Strides - 2009 - Total Loss 11lbs Website: http://ssf4bbothellkirkland.blogspot.com/
       After I had Alyssa, I went to a Mom's group at Evergreen Hospital. That particular day Hilary Storey, franchisee owner of SS Bothell/Kirkland came in to chat to the class about working out. This was so awesome! I could bring Lys to workout, and even during a major meltdown Hilary would push or hold Lys to ensure that I got the killer workout my body so badly needed. I still think my first SS workout, post-baby, was one of the sorest I have ever been in my life. This was such a great experience because then I was able to meet other new moms going through all the same crap as me! SS has lots of fun programs including Mom's Night Out and Running Club.

Then, I got prego with Cohen! I was determined to have a healthier pregnancy this go around... but then I broke my foot, so that killed the exercise piece...

#3 - Gestational Diabetes - 2011 - Total Loss 12 lbs (LOL this isn't really a diet, but I DID learn healthy eating habits)
        Gestational Diabetes?! WTF! I thought that was only something overweight people got...but then again I DID eat a lot of confetti cake... After crying to all the nurses about how upset I was about all the sugar I had eaten and how sorry I was... they assured me that it was just my placenta! Ok, whew! It wasn't the cake! With this whole healthy eating kick, I had to eat 6 small meals a day. It wasn't awesome but I wasn't hungry and I was eating very healthy foods. I was up about 20, when I found out and then only ended up gaining about 9 total. I was pretty stoked! I thought for SURE I would be nice and small after I had him.

Well my goal after having Cohen was to continue eating my healthy foods with the occasional glass of wine or beer... The Issue?! 3+ months of thai food and confetti cake cravings kicked in... and I overindulged... a little... :-/

#4 - ActiveWomom Online Training - 2012 - Total Loss 19lbs Website: http://activewomom.com/
       One day, I was on Facebook and I got an instant message from Kristin "Hey! When are you gonna sign up for one of my sessions?!' Hmm ... Well I had just come off the holidays and was feeling pretty nasty about my bod... so... how about now! So I signed my soul over to the devil for 8 weeks...She was super tough on me, very hard core, and promoted clean and healthy eating...partnered with KILLER workouts... I started to even hear her voice in my head when I was thinking about having a snack or running that last minute or two...when all I wanted to do was walk! It was great and she kept me going! After training with her I signed up for a half marathon and completed that! I was in great shape and feeling awesome! (After her session, I continued to lose, bringing total weight loss to about 30lbs). Her programs also promoted a supplement brand by Biopharma Scientific (which I really enjoy!) What I like about them is that they are all family friendly, so my kids could enjoy the same benefits as me.    http://www.biopharmasci.com/

Then we went back into the holiday season... I VOWED I wasn't going back... but pound by pound and inch by inch it started sneaking up on me again. When Jenn, a friend from Jr High/HighSchool/FB, kept pinging me on FB about this awesome new program she did called Advocare. I have always been anti-cleanse... and anti-anything that wasn't pro-healthy lifestyle changes... but as you can see from the above...I get it. I know how to lose weight. I have been there and done that. So WHY do I keep gaining? Why can't I keep the weight off? Well I am still trying to figure that out. I think it has to do with getting out of a routine, and then just getting plain lazy....falling into a rut...and not being able to get out of it!

#5 - Advocare - 2013 - Total Weight Loss 9lbs Website: https://www.advocare.com/130510639
       SO now I am wrapping up my Advocare journey. What I LOVE about this program is that it is only 24 days. You can do anything for 24 days! Easy, peesy! So what is this Advocare thing? It's natural supplements that enhance your body's metabolism. They promote it as being a metabolism cleanse...so the first 10 days you eat super clean, mostly fruits and veggies, with a little lean protein. But you also pump your body full of fiber to clean out all the ickies that have taken over. Then the next 14 days you take other supplements that recharge and refuel your metabolism so that its working to the best of its ability. I do not need months and months of training, I know what I gotta do! It's getting myself back in the mind frame of just DOING something about it. This program was exactly what I needed. 24 days to kill the bad habits, lose the cravings, and just get back on track! I lost my months worth of bloat, lost some inches and just feel like my head is back in the game. If I look at my track history, I tend to get off track every 4-6 mos. Advocare is designed so that you can take supplements as little or as often as you wanted, but the 24-day challenge can be done every 90 days. Maybe this one is the lucky one! I think I will try and be proactive with this program, and do it every 90-days or so...that way I won't allow myself to fall too far off the bandwagon. I will keep you posted...

To close - I have come to the realization that I am a program junkie. I like starting things and completing things. I like feeling like I am working with other people to achieve a goal. So the moral of the story?! Find what works for you and do it! For me it's programs! I like signing up for things...I like waiting for them to arrive on my door step... I like working with people who are responsive and give me attention! Haha I'm high maintenance... So I have accepted this.  If you are in a rut and need help getting out of it, let me know! I can give you the 'ol been there done that spiel.

So, what works for you?  


  1. Love this post!! Kristen's program worked best for me mainly because we did it together and were always checking in with each other!! What is your plan when you get off advocare?

  2. you can dooo it!!! It's hard - my motto is everything in moderation and portion control which I'm not always good at. Now I love barre for my exercising, wish we could go together!! :)

  3. Hmm as far as post-program goes?? As of now, I will prob do the 24-day challenge every 3-6 months... I think that its a great way to re-check in with myself.

  4. Hi! How do I not know you? I did SS (Mill Creek), BB with Hilary Storey, and NeuBODY with Kristin!! Same story as you. As I was reading I was saying 'this is ME!!!' Lost 30 pounds, now I've gained back about 17 and trying to refocus and lose it....again. So sick of this yo-yo! I think I'm a program junkie as well. Loved reading your story. Thanks for sharing it :) -Shawna Crompton

  5. Advocare is great stuff! I'm a distributor too! Did the 24 Day Challenge in January and lost 9lbs and 10 inches. So great! And I'm wrapping up my second 10 Day Cleanse with Advocare tomorrow...I lost 5lbs and a few inches (haven't done official measurements yet!) That, coupled with Stroller Strides and barre classes is working wonders for my body! Congrats to you on your weight loss...just keep at it. Being a mom and working is hard, so don't be afraid to cut yourself some slack! :)
