Sunday, February 24, 2013

B to the Ounce House!

I took the crazy crew to the Arena Sports bounce house today. Fun was had by all! I barely saw Alyssa once we arrived but followed Cohen very closely...he makes me SO nervous! He isn't scared of anything! He also likes to stand with his hands behind his back... I think he does this to "appear" know...calm before the storm, etc. Apparently, everyone is supposed to wear socks. I found this out as Alyssa was being scolded by one of the workers...really guy? You think a 3yr old can comprehend that she should have socks on? I took off the ones I was wearing, which were a pair of Greg's super thick snow socks! Haha she was less than thrilled! Cohen didn't have socks on either, but the guy apparently knew better than to scold my 1yr old... We will pack socks next time! We finished up the morning with pirates booty, satsumas and bananas in the corner, having what seemed like our own private tea party!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! I love taking Chloe to the bounce house in Gig Harbor. I go on it with her. :) I don't know why they require socks when bare feet help you stick better! Maybe they just don't want to deal with the smell, lol.
